International Services

Craig Herbert Chief Executive Officer

When it comes to our international connections, we’re proud to be part of the Morison KSi ‘global family’ of member firms. Morison KSi’s the 10th largest global association of leading professional service firms, which will ensure you and your client receive top quality advice across the globe.

Whether it’s support with financial management, tax and legislation, finding the right people or property, you can trust our specialist team to help you smooth out those complexities.

Expanding internationally for the first time

If you’ve a client who has international ambitions and only traded domestically until now, there are many things that they are unlikely to consider. With our team, they can access first-hand experience and learn from others who’ve gone before. Whether it’s choosing the right countries to expand into, establishing local links, tax planning, or insight into the local market & culture, we can help.

Moving into new international markets

Expansion into any new marketplace will require its own strategy and entrance. We can support you and your client to take out the guesswork when it comes to understanding how the underlying economic, demographic, cultural and regulatory factors differ and how the ‘rules of engagement’ must be changed.

The added value of Morison KSi

To ensure you and your client receive top quality advice across the globe, we’re part of the Morison KSi community, the 10th largest international association of professional service firms. With over 300 offices in 82 countries, we can ensure you deal with the right people in each country you plan to operate within.

They’ve got a strong reputation across all continents and are an association that brings trust and confidence.

Language needn’t be a barrier

Within our team we can speak at a business level in French, Polish and Romanian. Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bangladeshi and Urdu. Mandarin and Cantonese, and can even manage Ghanaian, Malawi and Tagalog! While we are privileged to have most of the business world speaking English, it can be reassuring to know that we have alternative languages covered.

"They’ve given us the added layer of confidence we needed and there are so many things we don’t have to worry about now – Fortus are just dealing with it. You can’t put a price on that feeling."

Anthony Sheret Colophon Foundry


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